I haven't gotten to sleep very much the last couple of nights, between some random internal thing of my own and Lina suddenly having learned about comfort nursing (I think).
hey! she's sucking those 2 fingers you were talking about! ye gods, she's cute. sending happy vibes your way to help you through teething.... just wait for molars, that's when it gets REALLY interesting.... *MWAH*
Your little one sure likes her fingers. Sam seems to be majorly teething at the moment, and if I let his arms out of his swaddle blanket he cannot sleep or relax -- he is frenzied trying to get his fingers in his mouth.
Very cute pic! She is adorable.
Good luck with the teething! My little one had huge sleep regressions when teething. Definitely no fun.
hey! she's sucking those 2 fingers you were talking about! ye gods, she's cute. sending happy vibes your way to help you through teething.... just wait for molars, that's when it gets REALLY interesting....
Your little one sure likes her fingers. Sam seems to be majorly teething at the moment, and if I let his arms out of his swaddle blanket he cannot sleep or relax -- he is frenzied trying to get his fingers in his mouth.
Hope you rest more soon.
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