Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How many of them can we make die?

I recently introduced one of my knitting friends to S.M. Stirling's Change novels, which she of course thinks are amazing (because they are), and this evening, while we were talking about them, I also decided to tell her about how Juniper, one of the major political leaders in the novels, is based significantly on the folk musician Heather Alexander. Once I had done that, I had to (and if you know anything about this woman, you will know why) find a way to play March of the Cambreadth for my friend; I did a quick google search, and found this video. It's pure icing on the cake that it's also a very nice Final Fantasy AMV.

I remember going and seeing Heather in concert at this little coffee house somewhere in San Francisco; when she started playing this, we naturally all sang along. We got the windows of the place rattling, and were totally ready to go KILL!!!!!


Stacey said...

OK, I will admit that I liked the song, but the video did nothing for me - but as you know, I am the anti-fantasy person!

caramama said...

I am intrigued by these books. I have not read them, and I think I have to rectify that.

Unknown said...

is that song traditional or was it written for final fantasy? it's badass!

Katie said...

@caramama - they are excellent. Probably not quite as mindblowing if you don't live where they're set (like I do!), but still really, really good! I highly recommend them.

@Rachel - Heather Alexander wrote and performed the song, someone else put it to the FF footage. So really, neither! ;P

Karinda said...

LOL, Katie, it is this post that makes me agree that you definitely need a label entitled geekiness. I like me some sci-fi, but you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY have me beat!